Chuck and Charles is a monthly comic strip created by Jason Wyman following the exploits of two queers as they discover anonymous sex, missed connections, and synchronicity.
Queerly Complexis life, tall tales, and other disastrous distractions all from a queer perspective.
Borrowed Flesh: Luis Blasini's adventures among outcasts, drunks, prostitutes, and hoodlums living on the edges and in the gutter.
Chuck and Charles:the exploits of two queer men as they discover anonymous sex, missed connections, and synchronicity.
FatFeminisTina: the personal blog of Tina M as she creates, paints, explores, and tries to take herself more seriously.
JW Reports: chronicling community and culture news from the Bay and beyond.
Oral Aural Ocular: A self indulgent look at videos, music, and art that intrigue, distract, or excite, depending on my mood.
OutLook Theater Project: A community theater company producing original productions from a queer perspective. The Red Dot(s): the journal of Martin Morowitz as he makes some startling revelations as red dots consume his life. The S. Kitchen:a delectable sundry of random recipes, sizzling stories, and exquisite events. The Space Between...: coming out in honor of all queers. Truthfully Fictitious: an assortment of almost true tales and quite possible meanderings.
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